Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Hints from the field...

A reader of the article "Ministry in your Pajamas..." sent me the following query...
I tried to follow the procedures in your article and when
it came to giving name and password I was OK then having to name what title
I would use for my blogweb nothing I typed in was accepted. I tried short
and longer names. Could not find a way around this. Can you tell me what was
A smile crept across my face as I realized "I can help!" Below is my response, and hopefully this solved the problem, removing the roadblock from the information-superhighway for yet another molecule in the blogosphere, a new voice in the digital age...

Without actually seeing what you are doing, I have to guess. Here are my guesses -

1) you are using blogger.com

2) you are letting them host it at blogspot.com (you don't have your own website)

3) you are entering a name with either spaces or funny characters in it

Even if I am wrong about 1 and 2, there are a limited number of reasons it won't accept a blog name - it should tell you what the reason is when it rejects you (don't take it personally) - here are some common ones...

Either someone already has that name. . .
Or you have a space in the name (http://My Cool Blog.blogspot.com won't work, but my_cool_blog.blogspot.com will)
Or, you have a reserved character in the name, like < > ? & % $ or basically anything you need the shift key and a number to create...those characters are used by webservers for special purposes and can't be part of a site's name

Try it again, persistance pays off. keep it simple. if you are still stuck, tell me what blog organization or site you are using, and what you are trying to name it, and I'll see if I can help you out without guessing.

Watch this spot for updates...

See below for follow-on articles by Alan and Paschal
explaining more about blogging: what is is and how to get started...

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